I usually grade within 24 hours. Discussion posts included, they have to be reviewed and graded. Sometimes, you may see a grade for your 1st post but not for your 2nd post. Unless you did 2 posts simultaneously, I will likely have graded your first post and haven't gotten around to grade your 2nd post, but I will.
If it's been 48 hours or more and you are still waiting on a grade then something went wrong. Sometimes if you go back and re-submit an assignment but don't actually upload anything, your assignment may be dropped from the grading queue. Simply re-submit it again.
Otherwise, e-mail me directly at rmadrigal@alliedschools.com
Jobaptist: I e-mailed you a response to both of these questions
I haven't seen my grade in any discussion.
If one is a licensed real estate agent and also a license mortgage originator, can she/he practice the same profession at the same time or at a related transaction?